Welcome to the All-Index Report 2022/23.
The All-Index® is an annual survey open to any business within a specific global industry that measures diversity, inclusion and belonging across their organisation. All participants get a score of 1-100 upon completion to be used as a baseline and benchmark for strategic and stakeholder planning as well as identifying key aims and objectives for the year ahead and beyond.
Businesses who are investing in DEI initiatives start with the All-Index® believing that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
The 2024 All-Index survey is now open for submissions. Click here to participate.
This year’s report also reflects three key global trends that we are seeing across the world:
The gambling landscape reflects regulatory trends. The rise of sports betting has contributed to the gap between the number of males to females widening further to around 65:35.
Definitions of Diversity are changing. In Europe, the definition of diversity prioritises gender, while the rest of the world assumes both gender and race and ethnicity/cultural heritage as included in the term.
Regulation is a key driver for women in leadership. By 2026 women should hold 40% of board positions in Europe as a result of the 2026 EU Women on Boards Directive.
The All-Index Overview 2022/23
Participant Scores
The All-Index® scores companies on their answers on a scale of 0-100. Some questions are weighted while others do not earn a score but rather provide context for further analysis. The total points achieved in the 2022/23 All-Index® ranged from a low of 3 to a high of 77 with only one business achieving the high score of 77. 12 companies scored 50 points or above and no companies achieved 100 points.